Found 10 posts with the category "Relationship":

Riding the waves of grief: Moving on from a relationship

Riding the Waves of Grief: Moving on From a Relationship

Breakups can lead to the experience of grief, depression and anxiety. The current article explains these painful experiences and how one can overcome them.

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Access not granted: accessing someone’s phone without permission

Access Not Granted: Accessing Someone’s Phone Without Permission

A recent research examined why the reasons and consequences of checking on the phone of those close to them.

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Checking on your partner's phone? What may this mean?

Checking on Your Partner's Phone? What May This Mean?

Are you checking on your partner's phone? This may only further fuel your anxiety and put more stress on your relationship.

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Infidelity associated with PTSD-related symptoms and poorer psychological outcomes

Infidelity Associated With Ptsd-related Symptoms and Poorer Psychological Outcomes

A recent research found that partner infidelity is associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety and stress.

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Managing your emotions following the discovery of your partner's infidelity

Managing Your Emotions Following the Discovery of Your Partner's Infidelity

Discovering that your partner had been cheating on you can be overwhelming. Find out how you can cope with your anxiety, anger and stress before taking your next steps.

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Gaslighting in relationships

Gaslighting in Relationships

Understand gaslighting, a form of psychological abuse, which negatively impacts relationships.

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The hidden dangers of psychological aggression

The Hidden Dangers of Psychological Aggression

While physical abuse is often taken seriously, a recent research found that the impact of psychological abuse in relationships are even more harmful

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Spouses' daily responses to partners' pain linked with later functioning

Spouses' Daily Responses to Partners' Pain Linked With Later Functioning

The dynamics of spouses' daily interactions may influence whether an ill partner's physical functioning improves over time, according to new findings published in Psychological Science.

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Demystifying relationship advices

Demystifying Relationship Advices

You have probably heard these advices countless times. Now, learn how to apply them effectively in your relationship, and learn which ones to ignore.

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Little Words Can Make Big Difference in Marriage Stressed by Illness

Little Words Can Make Big Difference in Marriage Stressed by Illness

New research suggests it is often the little things that make a difference in a marriage. The little things are a simple as the words we use when we talk to our partner.

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